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November 28, 2007 - Operator and Avenged Sevenfold played at The Warehouse. This was my first time to see a show at the Warehouse, and I was impressed. It's a pretty nice venue, and we never had any problems getting drinks. Of course, that could be because more than half the crowd was under 21 - heck - many were under 18. It was funny actually, as I saw several parents hanging out in the side bar.

Before the show we met at Lucky's Pub. It's a new bar that is next door to the Warehouse - and it was a perfect place for some food, and a few cold ones before the show.

















O P E R A T O R  !!








The stage was pretty dark for Operator's set - so I wasn't able to get many pics. However, I did grab a couple video clips.  

This first clip is their radio hit 'Soul Crusher'.

This second clip is their cover of Gun's N Roses 'It's So Easy'.





The girls relax between bands




A V E N G E D   S E V E N F O L D








Here is the one Avenged Sevenfold video clip I got - Remenissions









And here are a few vid clips I found on the 'net:

Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions.

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