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December 9, 2007 - Kid Rock played the Verizon Theater. This was the 'mystery artist' for Buzzfestivus 3 (which came between buzzfestivus 1 and 2 - don't ask).... Anyway, the only thing we knew when we got tickets was that this artist had sold out Cynthia Woods, the Toyota center and Madison Square Garden. ...and they were going to play Verizon. Tempting. There were rumors of Nickelback or maybe Linkin Park - but we got Kid Rock. Now, I'm OK with Kid Rock, and sure enough - he put on a pretty good show!



We did the usual Cabo pre-show food and drinks.




K I D    R O C K !




I have four video clips from this show. Surprisingly, the video clips seem to come out better than the pictures - go figure. OH - and you will need to wait a bit for these to load - go grab a beer and make Kid Rock proud.

CLIP #1 - we get to hear a little Metalica!







CLIP #2 - a little 'Sweet Home Alabama' action too!




CLIP #3 - I wanna be a COWYBOY BABY!!






CLIP #4 - Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy - BABY!



Ladies and Gentleman, Kid Rock has left the building.

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