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January, 22, 2008 - the Foo Fighters played the Toyota Center.  This was my first time to them, and I was MORE than impressed. I've heard a lot of good things about Dave Grohl, and now I see why. He was THE MAN - playing with so much energy, running up and down the stage, and just getting the crowd PUMPED!   ...and he was pretty damn funny too - my personal favorite line from the night was - "Daddy, Dora the Explorer doesn't talk like Dave!"

As usual for Toyota events, we met at B.U.S. bar before the show...




I will say it 1,000 times - I love it when the girls get together.



We missed the opening band.   The 2nd opener was Jimmy Eat World.



A quick pic of the girls between bands




F O O     F I G H T E R S !



We had great seats for this show, and I got some pretty good pics and video
(see set list at the bottom of this page for vid links).












One thing I must mention is the stage setup. It was amazing. I thought it was so cool how they lowered the stage down on the far side for the acoustic set. I've been down in that side of the arena - and it is VERY hard to feel connected to the artist from back there - great idea to bring the show back. ...Damn, I was going to give this show a 4'star' ...but now - I'm leaning towards 5...it was a high energy show, and the crowd rocked out till MIDNIGHT! ...that's right, Foo Fighter's played for over 2 hours.







I also enjoyed the 'video play' Dave and Taylor (drums) had from backstage before the encore....fun stuff.






Let It Die
Pretender [video clip #1] [clip #2]
Times Like These [vid #3]
Learn To Fly
Cheer Up Boys
This Is A Call
The One
Stacked Dead Actors

(acoustic set - back stage)

Skin & Bones
My Hero [vid_clip #4] [video #5]
Cold Day In The Sun
But, Honestly
Everlong [clip #6]

Monkey Wrench
All My Life [clip #7

(Encore) Big Me
Long Road To Ruin
Best Of You


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