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I've been looking for a good excuse to see a concert at the new Houston House of Blues. When I heard Puddle of Mudd was coming with Saliva, I snached up a couple tickets real quick. ...and it was a good thing I did - this show SOLD OUT.

I've been to the House of Blues for happy hour, and even got the see the Foundation Room for a work event - but this was my first concert. Let me tell 'ya - it's a GREAT venue. The general admission section can get pretty crowded, but there are bars along every wall so it's easy to get a refill. Jacqui and I managed to find a nice spot in the upstairs balcony reserved seats, and that was GREAT! ...an awesome view of the stage, and much less crowded. Heck, they even have waitresses walking around taking drink orders - so you don't ever have to leave your seat (except to pee).

The first opening band was Veer Union. They were pretty good, but suffered from a bad mix - the vocals were way too loud... I think it may have permanately damaged my hearing.

CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #1 - Veer Union's cover of APC's Judith

The second opening band was Burn Halo. I'll be honest, I didn't recognize any of their stuff....but here's a couple pics anyway.



Nice seats, eh?
We eventually moved even closer...about 6 rows from the rail.


We had a good laugh when we saw this....
We had no idea who that woman was, and didn't know she did that 'till we looked at the pic - heheheh.


S A L I V A !!

Saliva really got the crowd pumped!!


CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #2 - Saliva's opening number gets the crowd going








CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #3 - Click, Click BOOM~!








CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #4 - Rest in Pieces






CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #5 - Ladies and Gentlemen~!




Rockstar Photographer Trey from Photographic Tendencies was at this show, and posted some of his pics on www.thebuzz.com ...so of course I grabed a few.








We are ready to ROCK~!



P U D D L E    O F    M U D D !





CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #6 - Control







CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #7 - Out of my Head
















CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #9 - Drift and Die (one of my favorites!)








CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #10 - T.N.T.  (AC/DC cover)



...not sure if this was on purpose or not...but what the heck - everyone was having a BLAST~!





CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #11 - Psycho


...and here are a few more pics I ripped from the Buzz.




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