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As everyone knows, Seether has been my favorite band for...over 5 years. I keep a close eye on their tour schedule, and any time that they are playing near Houston - I'm there. What's funny about this show is that it was NOT listed on Seether's website, or their tour schedule. I'm guessing that, because it was a private show put on by the casino - perhaps only the casino could promote it?   ...I dunno - I'm just happy that Regina heard about it, and we were able to go. And to make things even better, Justin and Christi managed to get a private cabana - so we had drinks, food, a fridge, couches...a pool - and Seether - HELL YEAH~!~!

Jacqui and I found Michelle and Regina at the bar - no surprise.




...and back there is the stage. Interesting.







Jacqui and I have a couple beers before show time.




Notice the orange cabana just to the left of the stage - that's ours.




Here's the view from our room




I can see Seether's tour bus.





Some cold beers on ice, and two bottles of Vodka should be enough to get us started.



The view from our cabana



It's almost show time!




It wasn't until they dropped the Seether banner that I was 100% sure they were really going to be here - WooHoo~!



And there's Shaun~!




As usual, they opened with 'Gasoline'


CLICK HERE For Video #1 - Gasoline






I think 'Needles' was the 2nd song...








CLICK HERE For Video #2 - Driven Under


We eventually made our way to the front...





Shaun on the big screen...









CLICK HERE For Video #3 - Country Song
















CLICK HERE For Video #4 - Fake It

















CLICK HERE For Video #5 - Remedy


We had a GREAT time at this show~!~!~!



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