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Pappa Roach was also supposed to play this show, but had to bail due to Jacoby's health problems - but OMG - what an incredible lineup of bands!! And on a Saturday night. WOOHOO!! As soon as I saw that, I knew we would be there. Jacqui and I hooked up with Tony, Regina, Justin and Christine, Ryan and Michelle, .......and Scott And Amy..... (there's an inside joke there, but I digress). Yes, we had PLUSH accommodations for the show....enjoy the pics - buy make sure to check out the vids as well (Divx player is safe). Seriously, I got a new camera for concert video (yes...I brought two cameras to the show). The new one is a really cheap older model, but it takes GREAT sound at very high decibel levels. And trust me - it was LOUD. Feel it in your chest loud. This crappy little camera doesn't take great video, but the audio makes up for it. So crank it up and ROCK OUT!











When we got to the show, we headed over to the House of Blues hospitality tent for a couple drinks. While I would have liked to see P.O.D. And a few of the other side stage acts, I really wasn't up for fighting the sweaty crowds on the hot concrete - and neither was most of our crew. Instead, we stayed at the House of Blues. It was right next to the side stage. We couldn't see the bands, but we could hear them perfectly.









...just to clear things up.




Then it was time for .......


















...and then...





CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - Staind plays 'Right Here'




CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Staind plays 'Right Here' (part 2)











CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Staind plays a song off their new album - 'Now'





















CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - Staind plays 'It's Been a While'






And the highlight of the night for me was....



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #5 - a short clip of Godsmack's intro







CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #6 - Godsmack plays 'Enemy'.....WATCH THIS!!!







CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #7 - Godsmack plays 'Alive'.....WATCH THIS TOO!!!







CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #8 - Godsmack plays 'Realign'.....another great vid to watch!!





Godsmack just CRUSHED IT that night. At one point, I was enjoying the show so much, I just completely stopped taking pics and vids. I always like to take a break from working the camera to enjoy the show, but I usually try to capture the highlights. Well, with Godsmack, the entire show was one long highlight. I am bummed out that I didn't get the dueling drum solo on film. OMG, that was amazing, and really got the crowd going. ...I hardly had any energy left for Shinedown - but they put on a great show as well.






CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #9 - Shinedown plays 'Unity'



























CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #10 - Shinedown plays '.45'















CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #11 - Shinedown plays 'Simple Man'





CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #12 - a short clip of Shinedown's confetti conclusion



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