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MUHHHAAAAHHHAAAAHHAAAaaaaaaa........another Halloween for the record books.  This year, Austin was old enough to be scared of most everything. We first noticed it when we went shopping at Party City. They has some scary decorations that Austin really DID NOT LIKE!   OK, well The Halloween festivities started for us on Friday night. Our neighborhood had a spook trail - OMG - at 8:30, the line of people was endless. We came back after 9:00 - still super long. At 9:30 it was down enough for us to think Austin could handle it. He and I ran around and caused a general ruckus while the line inched along until we finally got in.    ....anyway....enough rambling - here's the pics.

Lauren enjoyed the graveyard....it was really spooky!


But Austin was SCARED!!!!




The next Halloween event - Pumpkin Carving!     It's fun!!



But Austin would rather take a nap.




Lauren pics the Alien Head design....


OOOOOO - scary!!



Lauren's friend (and neighbor) Taylor joined us.



Jacqui said "I want to be in the picture!"










Being the proud Dad I am, it's hard for me not to post EVERY PICTURE....

...but it's time for HALLOWEEN PICS!





Mmmmmm, this witch has put a spell on me.


Hey Austin - Are you ready to go Trick-or-Treating??


Arrrrrrrggggg, me thinks Lauren makes a fine Pirate!



Posing in front of the ...'Table Of DEATH!!!!" ....hehehe.



Halloween bubbles...



This is my favorite pic from the night.



Yes, she is taking this very seriously.



OK Austin, we are almost ready....just a few more pictures before you go.







My little pumpkin man, chowing down on Cheeto's





Lauren and Abigail (sp?)



Lauren and Maggie make a scary couple











Everyone - RUN from the Cheeto's monster!!













After taking about 1,000 pictures...the sun finally went down, and darkness filled the streets.
The little trick-or-treaters went on their way...and I let loose the spirits that haunt...
...well - I lit some candles, turned on the fog machine and tried to make it look spooky.



See - spooky!!









Austin will NOT venture up to the porch...



..of course, when you have this thing in your lawn - I can't blame him.



Austin didn't last long out there.





Here, Jacqui spoils the ambiance with that horridly bright flash.



Say Goodnight little buddy - and Happy Halloween!

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