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I have a TON of pics, so grab a cold beverage, sit back, relax and enjoy!

As far as I'm concerned, the "Holiday Season" starts with Thanksgiving.

Trey, Lauren and Blake enjoy some Thanksgiving turkey...
...hey, who is that way back there in the back ground?




Ahhh yes, Austin knows how to enjoy Thanksgiving!




The old folks table....




After Thanksgiving, Austin and I have birthdays in early December. Happy birthday to us!


Oh gosh, someone switched the candles again....ha.

CLICK HERE to see the birthday video



And with December well under way - Jacqui suddenly realizes that we need to get our Christmas cards in the mail. Of course, that means posing the kids in front of the tree, trying to get that perfect shot. Thank god for digital cameras, because it probably took about 100 attempts before we got a decent pic. Here are the best two of the bunch.


This was the runner up....



...and this was the 'official' shot after some touchups to remove redeye and Austin's buggers....ewwww.


The next event of the Holiday Season - our company parties. Jacqui and I had been looking forward to this for a couple reasons. First and foremost - Jacqui' s dress. Oh yes, it was FINE! The other reason was that for my party, we decided to get a room at the hotel where the party was - so no driving! ....and no kids.  ;-)


Jannett and Jacqui....yes the spelling is correct...Looking Good!



I need a new Suit.




The next night we got dressed up again, and partied some more!




Finishing off the night at Baker Street Pub.
Yes, it's the one place you could smoke - as you can see!


The next Holiday event was 'Christmas at my folks'. Yes, this is the day where I step back in time, and celebrate Christmas as I have for almost my entire life. Not much has changed at 5302 - a little remodeling - but for the most part it's exactly the same as it was when I was a kid.






CLICK HERE to see how Bill tried to keep all the kids' presents organized.



Blake is VICTORIOUS over that wrapping paper



Now that there are 4 kids running around, it can get a little hectic.





Santa got me some SOX!!!














Trey starts the famous Santa Treasure Hunt!









...and now it's Lauren's turn to follow Santa's clues.


CLICK HERE to watch Lauren enjoy the Treasure Hunt - Part 1

CLICK HERE to watch Lauren enjoy the Treasure Hunt - Part 2

CLICK HERE to watch Lauren enjoy the Treasure Hunt - Part 3







Am I really going to try this?

CLICK HERE to see if I break my neck or not



These next few pics were so good, I had to post them all....

CLICK HERE to see Austin ride his scooter - Part 1

CLICK HERE to see Austin ZOOM on his scooter - Part 2















That's my boy!!!!




Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!


The very next night, we had the 'extended' family Christmas party. This year, the party was held at Richard and Mary Louise's neighborhood clubhouse.


Joe joins our gracious hosts



David Sr., David Jr., Ilonka, Mary Gertis and Bill Jr.




Chad, his wife (someone remind me what her name was please!), Pat and Robert







Cool - a gun!




Robert Jr. and his new wife




The boys - Blake, Trey, Tanner and Noah




The older boys - Joe, David Sr. and Robert



Mary Louise and Richard are all smiles.





































Top row: Tanner, Noah, Lauren, Colleen, Taylor
Bottom row: Trey, Blake, Austin


And now it's time to spend some time with Jacqui's side of the family - we had a wonderful (pre) Christmas dinner at Mary's house.





Mike and Theresa are ready to eat.



Kenn and Julie enjoy some time in the States - and good American food.




Lauren and Austin love to play with Ryan


And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for - Christmas morning!!



Lauren woke everyone up early to show us what Santa brought.


CLICK HERE to see some video from Christmas morning


Austin got a cool three wheeler!




















This is one of my favorite pics - SO CUTE!









Let's go outside and play!!!








CLICK HERE to see Lauren zip around on her scooter!























Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Send me email!