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Christmas 2010

Another holiday season has come and gone. We all enjoyed some (much needed) time off from work - but most of all enjoyed spending time with family. There are a bunch of pictures on this page - and even more video than usual. So grab a holiday drink, sit back and enjoy. This year we started celebrating Christmas a week early, when the kids opened gifts at my folks house.


The grand kids each have a homemade stocking from Nana.




Lauren doesn't like this picture, but it's a cute one of Austin and Jacqui.






CLICK HERE to see video #1 - Lauren opening her presents.





Yes, Lauren has braces now...and she's only 9.




Austin and Blake compare the holes in their socks.




Everyone gets a Snuggie!


CLICK HERE to see video #2 - Blake opening his presents.









Hey - I'm in this picture~!
Thanks to Ilonka for sharing her pics (there are several of hers on this page)




A really good pic of the boys
(Thanks again Ilonka)












I bough myself a new PC for Christmas, and Jacqui surprised me with this HUGE monitor.
I'm using it now, and I LOVE IT~!





































As he did last year, Santa left clues for a treasure hunt!

CLICK HERE to see video #3 - Austin's treasure hunt

CLICK HERE to see video #4 -Austin's treasure hunt (cont.)

CLICK HERE to see video #5 - Blake's treasure hunt.

CLICK HERE to see video #6 - Blake's treasure hunt (cont.)

CLICK HERE to see video #7 - Lauren's treasure hunt (p1)

CLICK HERE to see video #8 - Lauren's treasure hunt (p2)

CLICK HERE to see video #9 - Lauren's treasure hunt (p3)

CLICK HERE to see video #10 - Lauren's treasure hunt (p4)





On Christmas Eve, we celebrated with Jacqui's family.

Julie organized this group photo on the stairs.



Mimi with her grand kids





















After taking pics, and eating - it was time to open presents.













The Paper Jamz guitar was a big hit!


CLICK HERE to see video #11 - Austin Jamz~!

CLICK HERE to see video #12 - Austin Jamz MORE~!











And of course, Christmas morning we spent at our house opening gifts, and checking out what Santa brought.


Santa is sneaky.





Our tree before the kids tore everything open.






Lauren and Austin woke up at 3:00am...and had to wait 'till 7:00 to open gifts.
...it was tough for them.





CLICK HERE to see video #13 - Lauren and Austin opening thier presents



CLICK HERE to see video #14 - More Christmas day presents.



CLICK HERE to see video #15 - Even MORE Christmas day presents.



Austin got a Nintendo DSi XL for his big gift.









CLICK HERE to see video #16 - Merry Christmas JAMZ~!


The final Christmas event of the season was the Berryman family Christmas. This is a tradition we've had since I was a kid. We used to do it Christmas eve, but with everyone's expanding families, and hectic schedules it's tough to get everyone together. This year we did it the day after Christmas.


We had a smaller crowd than usual this year....



...but that didn't stop the kids from acting up and having fun.

















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