Another Christmas has come and gone. The holidays are always hectic, but it seemed like this year was even more so than usual. Despite the frantic pace, we had a wonderful Christmas with family. To start this page, here's a short video of Lauren singing a Christmas song taken right after we got the tree decorated.
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #1 - Lauren sings~!
The official celebrations started with the extended Berryman family party. The past several years we met at the Huntwick Club. However, this year we all gathered at Bill's house. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera - so I didn't get any pictures. I know there were some taken, so once I get a copy I'll post 'em here.
The second official Christmas event was to celebrate with Jacqui's Mom, Beck, Julie, Kenn, Ryan, Michael and Theresa. Once again, I forgot to bring my camera - but Lauren had hers - so we did manage to snag a few pictures.
The next morning, we headed to my folks house to celebrate with them, Bill, Ilonka, Trey and Blake.
Look at all those
Nana hand made needlepoint stockings for the grand kids.
Also, notice the stockings for me and Bill - those are over almost 50 years
old (yikes!)
Austin digs into his stocking to see what Santa left for him.
Wow, Austin and Trey look SO EXCITED~!~!
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #2 - Opening gifts at Nana and Pops
Pops id the Master of Ceremonies.
Nothing says Christmas like an assault rifle.
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #3 - Opening gifts at Nana and Pops
And of course, Santa got me some white socks again this year.
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #4 - Santa's treasure hunt
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #5 - more Santa's treasure hunt
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #6 -even more Santa's treasure hunt
...and the next morning, it was officially Christmas!
Our tree
before the kids got to it.
Merry Christmas Lauren~!
A Harry Potter wand - woohoo~!
Austin casts a spell.
And again, nothing says Christmas quite like an assault rifle.
Everyone should have a gun~!
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #7 - Austin opens his new camera
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #8 - Lauren gets a tooth brush~!
Lauren loved her beanbag chair.
In addition to what you see - Austin also got a camera.
In fact, he took this pic!
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO #9 - Austin's first video
Time for some Christmas beef stew - Yummmmm.
Merry Christmas Everyone~!~!