This Christmas had a tinge of sadness for me, as it was the first without my dad. Everything carried on as usual, including the 'Berryman' party, but his absence was felt. Speaking of the Berryman party, for some reason I didn't get any pictures this year. I also didn't take any pictures at Mary's house for her celebration. If any of y'all are reading this, and have some - ZAP 'EM TO ME!
So the Christmas pictures this year start on Christmas Eve at my moms. Seeing what Santa put in our stockings is a time honored tradition.
Can you tell
that Austin likes Chocolate?
I like Mimosas.
Someday, I suspect Austin will be taller than Lauren.
That day is not here yet.
Nana, that is a BIG present!
Careful, don't hurt yourself.
A wine glass, perfect.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Because the picture above doesn't fully capture the moment
Christmas Morning at our house, and Austin is excited!
Jacqui did a great job on the tree.
I helped (some).
Paris is no longer a puppy, and wants to be part of everything.
The worst part of Christmas is the cleanup.
Merry Christmas!