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Christmas 2015

Man, how time flies. I say this every year around Christmas, but it seems to rings true even more this year. Lauren will be 15 in March, and Austin just turned 11. Wow. Anyway, we had a really nice Christmas season this year. One of the fun things we did over the holidays this year was to take a trip to New Orleans. We had so many good pictured from that trip, I broke it into a separate page that you can see here.

Besides the New Orleans trip, one of the first Christmas events this year was Lauren's party for her friends. We heated up the pool, and the girls made smore's, cookies and a huge mess.






Payton, Bella, Lauren and Grace at Keepers sushi, and it looks like they just got their nails done.


On the 23rd, we celebrated Christmas with my mom at her house. For me, this is like stepping back in time, and really feels like Christmas. My mom is awesome, and still manages to do all of the Christmas traditions. My brother and I get candy in the same stocking we've had all our life, and we still get socks from Santa! I grew up in that house since kindergarten, so the memories of all those Christmas mornings are still fresh in my mind.


Austin and Lauren are ready to open presents.




Pretty girls!





...and Trey is pretty too.    ;-)










Hmmmmm, what could it be?





Open it Austin!!



The next day, on the 24th, we celebrated Christmas with Jacqui's mom and step-dad at their house. Mimi does such a great job decorating and making everything feel so 'Christmas-like'.


Grace watches Lauren open her gift.





Jacqui and Austin are happy!





It gets a bit hectic at times....





...but everyone has a ton of fun.



After returning from Mimi's, the kids are wiped out and head off to bed. Jacqui and I are wiped out too, but have to 'help' Santa set up for the big day.



Early Christmas morning, Paris makes sure everything is ready for the next day.




Late Christmas Eve 2015















Is everyone ready to open presents?










...still dark....it's early.





Paris helps the kids open their gifts.





Wow, that flash is BRIGHT!





Merry Christmas Family~!









Fat daddy with a bow on my head.
...I had a great Christmas.


On the day after Christmas, Jacqui, Lauren and Mimi went to see the Nutcracker Ballet at the Wortham Theater Center.














On the 27th, we had the extended 'Berryman' family Christmas party. When I was a kid, we used to do this on Christmas Eve, but now that everyone is spread out and has kids of their own, it's harder to pick a date where everyone can attend.














































The Berryman Family



The Doss Family




The Denney Family



The whole Hee-Haw gang~!



And finally, Jacqui and I took the kids to the Houston Zoo to enjoy their huge lightshow. We've done this the past few years, and it's becoming one of our new Christmas traditions.






















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